Monday, May 9, 2011

Monetize your Blog

Once you have been blogging for at least three months is the time to think about how to earn money for blogging.
Although many people blog for the fun of it, just as many people want to be paid for their efforts.
E model good income.
You write on your blog about a particular topic two to three times a week, then people visit your blog, and you get paid through various advertising models.
Okay, not so easy, but it is complicated, moreover, that.

You can and should earn money for blogging and make your efforts count.
Do not wait.
You will find that once you start making money from your blogging efforts, it's suddenly much more fun.
The first thing to do is to add Google AdSense to your blog.
If you add it at the beginning it will condition your visitors to seeing ads on your site.
For some reason, visitors have come to a site suddenly disappears when AdSense is added, but apparently not care if it always been there.
Does this mean you can't add Google AdSense to an existing site? No, it doesn't.
Only a small percentage of visitors are ready to react negatively.
No big deal, that same small percentage probably has what I call "terminally grouchy disorder.
\"In other words, you can ask all the time, and some are grumpy.

Second add Kontera to your site.
This is a little like AdSense, but it works a little differently.
It highlights words within your text that when clicked on take the reader to an advertisement.
It is paid.
Kontera is one of the few text ad campaigns that Google AdSense will allow you to run in conjunction with AdSense.
Finally, take in advertising.
This will be advertising that are not text ads so they will not compete with Google AdSense.
However, to do this kind of advertising is necessary to have serious traffic accidents.
On the other side, you will also be paid serious money.
If you have about 5,000 visitors a day, try to work with an average.
Dooce. com, which was the blog of 2009, is managed by Federated Media Publishing.

Of course you can also blend in affiliate programs to make money on your blog.
Only for affiliate products that look fit the theme of your blog.

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